How to Make Money on Social Media [11 Legit Ways in 2023]

Social media are now the most powerful and effective way to reach potential customers. And while it’s great that these channels offer plenty of opportunities to build relationships, simply having an account isn’t enough – you have to know how to make money on social media if you want real results. 

From brand partnerships and subscriptions to affiliate marketing strategies, learn all the creative strategies for turning your social media interactions into income.

How to Make Money on Social Media Without Showing Your Face?

One great way to make money on social media without showing your face is through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing involves promoting a product or service from another business, and then earning a commission each time you make a sale. 

It’s relatively simple to set up, all you need to do is contact the company you want to be affiliated with, and they will provide you with a special link that tracks when someone purchases their product or service. This way, whenever someone makes a purchase through your link, you’ll receive a commission.

In addition to becoming an affiliate, here are other great ways to make money off social media without showing your face.

Create and Sell Digital Products

According to small business statistics, the use of social media as a channel to promote one’s goods and products is increasing. So if you have an entrepreneurial spirit and a skill that you can turn into an online course, e-book, or video series, you can start earning money from social media in no time.

You can create the video or content you think would be of interest to your potential audiences, upload it on YouTube and then share it across other social media. Or you can create an e-book, digital course, or tutorial and sell it from your own website.

Offer Social Media Marketing Services

Platforms like Instagram have a really strong sales potential, but they’re also packed with marketers and brands. To stand out from the crowd, many brands and organizations require expert assistance, and this is where you can contribute. By offering your services as a social media marketer, you can help brands with content strategy and drive traffic to their sites.

Enroll in Monetization Programs

Social media rely on creators to drive engagement and monetize their accounts. If you have a significant following, you may be eligible to apply for either YouTube’s Partner Program, Pinterest’s creator rewards, Instagram’s subscriptions, TikTok’s Creator Fund, or other programs.

All you have to do is check the requirements. Once approved, you can start making money through sponsored ads, product placements, and more. 

Sell Merch

Another great way to profit from social media is to sell goods you’ve designed yourself. From handmade jewelry to t-shirts, mugs, hats, or any other product. The key element here is to have at least 100 followers, which will help you create a strong audience so you can market your products. And once you‘ve got an engaged audience, the sales will start rolling in. 

How to Make Money on Social Media as a Teenager?

Teenagers can make money from social media by posting sponsored content for brands. As a teenager, if one (or all) of your social media accounts has a large following, you can leverage it to create sponsored posts featuring products, clothing, or services that the brand is promoting. 

But there are other fun ways teenagers can be making money from social media.

Create a Facebook Group

Inviting your followers to a group where you will be able to share useful content, and market and sell products along the way, is an excellent way to build relationships with your audiences. 

Once you’ve established affiliate partnerships with companies you like, your Facebook group will become a source of income.

Become an Influencer

Do you have crazy hairstyles you wish to share with the world? Or a passion for food, fashion, beauty, and music, and you think you might be able to influence people? If so, becoming an influencer and leveraging your social media following is another great way to make money as a teenager.

You can start by reaching out to brands and companies that fit with you and your lifestyle, and see if they are interested in working with you. You can also join an influencer platform or agency to get connected with more brands that might be looking for someone like you.

Advertise Products on Instagram

This is something that is typically reserved for influencers. However, if you have around 3000 followers, chances are you will find a brand that would be interested in collaborating with you. 

Teenagers are a massive part of the social media marketing market, which is why many companies would be willing to invest in you as a means to get exposure to your followers.

How to Make Money on Social Media without Being an Influencer?

Creating and running a blog or website can be an incredibly rewarding way to be making money from social media without needing the label of an influencer. You can begin by writing articles about topics that interest you, such as tech, fashion, lifestyle, health, travel, and more. Then monetize your website by setting up advertisements and affiliate links. However, before you dive into this world, make sure your name is available across platforms for consistency. Use a name checker to help you do that fastly.

Here are other ideas you can explore to make money with social media.

Become a Brand Ambassador

This works really well on TikTok and Instagram. To become a brand ambassador, you need to look for brands that are in need of people with solid followers. Then, create content that promotes the products or services of the brand.

Create e-Courses

If you have knowledge and expertise about a particular topic, consider creating an online course that people can purchase for a fee and learn from you. 

Sell Your Photos

If you enjoy photography, you can upload your photos to a website like Shutterstock and start earning money from them. And even though you’re not an influencer yet, you can still use your photos to monetize your social media accounts by selling prints and digital downloads. All you need to do is set up a store and promote it on your accounts. 

Create an Online Store

If you have something to sell, setting up an online store is another great way to make money on social media platforms. Instagram, for example, now offers brands the option to display their products under a ‘Shop’ profile tab.

The Takeaway

By taking advantage of the opportunities available on social media, you can make money as an adult or teenager, with or without showing your face. Platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have paved the way for many new and creative ways to make money, and it’s up to you to dive into the sea of options they offer.


How to make money on social media as an influencer?

The simplest and best way to make money with social media as an influencer is to collaborate with brands in your niche and get paid for each sponsored post or video that you create. You can also join an influencer platform to find and connect with more brands that might be looking for someone like you.

Other ways an influencer could be making money as a social media influencer are to:

  • Become a brand ambassador or representative 
  • Affiliate marketing 
  • Participate in the creation of product lines
  • Design and promote your products
  • Enter into a partnership with a mobile or gaming app 
  • Sell courses and tutorials.

How many followers do you need on social media to make money?

It depends on the social media monetization program or feature you’ll be using. The requirement for the Instagram Badges feature, for example, is to have at least 10,000 followers.

As an influencer marketer, you could be making from $10 to $100 per post if you have up to 10,000 followers, or $5,000 to $10,000 per post if your network has around one million followers. In fact, the latest influencer statistics reveal that 71% of influencers that have up to 10,000 followers can make as much as $100 per sponsored post.

Which social media can you make the most money on?

According to data, Facebook, with its 2.96 monthly active users, is also the social media platform with the highest ROI. However, TikTok is now becoming the favorite platform for marketers, as over half of them say they will be increasing their budget to promote their products on this specific platform. 

In reality, knowing how to make money on social media is not only related to what you’re going to do but how you’re going to do it. YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, for instance, are great if you want to earn money as an influencer. Facebook, on the other hand, is the platform to be if you’re a startup or small business.