How to Write an Email to a Teacher (11 FAQs Answered)

When it comes to interacting with academic staff, you can go for a quick face-to-face conversation in most cases. However, if you need your teacher’s help outside of their office hours, it’s best to send them a formal email.

Students usually email their educators for assignment clarification, deadline extension, or help with a specific project. There are plenty of formal email templates online, and we’ll list some of them in this article too.

If you’re trying to figure out how to write an email to a teacher and need to do it for the first time, you’re likely to be confused or anxious about receiving a response. We’re here to help with step-by-step instructions. Keep reading to learn how you should address your teacher, the proper way to write and reply to a formal email, and more teacher emailing tips.

Sending a Mail to a Teacher — Dos and Don’ts

1. How to write a formal email to a teacher?


Both students and parents may need to correspond with educators occasionally. The formality level applies whether you need to write an absence email to your child’s school, ask about class performance, or have assignment questions as a student. Keep in mind that some tutors may be more easy-going and allow or encourage less formality in the communication.

The general emailing guidelines include using a clear subject line, starting with a correct greeting, ending with a formal salutation, and being respectful throughout. These are just some of the basic instructions on how to write an email to a teacher. Make sure to structure your email as a formal letter and keep it short. 

Open up a Word document and type the email there to ensure you don’t accidentally send it before it’s finished. Remember to proofread it. Once you’ve completed the email, send it from your school email address to the email your teacher has given you.

2. How to address a teacher in an email?


Now that you are familiar with the basics of writing a formal email, it’s time to move on to specifics.

Your teacher should know what the email is about at first glance. They may receive numerous emails from students, so being straight to the point saves time and makes communication easier. This is why your subject line is important. Moreover, there are certain salutations for teachers that you should use to start an email. For example, you can greet a teacher with a “Hello” or a “Good afternoon.” Remember to add their title and last name. 

Avoid writing the email the same way you would text your friends, as it’s not appropriate, even if you’re friendly with your teacher during the class. There’s no need to use abbreviations, and make sure to use correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

3. How to start an email to a teacher?

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“Hello” and “Good afternoon” are just examples of formal greetings. “Good morning” or “Dear” followed by your educator’s title and last name are also acceptable. Tip: words like “hey” or “hi” would be too informal.

After an appropriate salutation, you should introduce yourself with your name and class or course. Be mindful of their time and clearly state what they can help you with. If needed, suggest meeting in person for further discussion.

4. How to end an email to a teacher?


Conclude the email by thanking your teacher for their time, assistance, or advice. Put a formal signature at the very end of your email. A good example of what you can end your email with is “Sincerely,” “Best wishes,” or “Thank you,” followed by your full name.

Once you’ve completed the email, reread it to check its contents, and proofread it. You’re then ready to send it.

5. How to write an email to a professor?

(Academic Positions)

If you’ve already sent emails to your teacher in the past, you’ll notice writing an email to a professor isn’t all that different. Start it off with a proper salutation and be straightforward, but provide enough context so they can remember you and respond to your question faster. Avoid explaining what happened in your personal life and focus on the issue. Sign off appropriately and use your university email address to send it.

6. How to write an email to a teacher asking for something?


You may need to email your teacher to ask for notes, help with your assignment, or solve other potential issues with your schoolwork or homework. Asking for something comes down to being polite and concise with your request. If you need to email multiple educators, open up with “Dear professors” or “Greetings.” Make sure to use a proper email format like the one we’ve dissected in the previous sections and end with a formal closing.

7. How to write an email to a teacher about grades?

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If you’re struggling in a class, it’s okay to ask your educator to help you get better grades. You can come back to this article at various levels of your education, be it school or college. You don’t need a specific email format to ask about grades. However, you can find a sample email to send to your professor regarding your grade online. Always follow the general emailing guidelines listed here, whether you’re sending an email to a teacher or professor.

The point of emailing your tutor about grades is to find out why you received a poor grade and how to improve it. You can explain that you want to excel or express concern about a grade on a particular paper you wrote. You may ask for a chance to improve your grade through an additional assignment. Remember to add your class details when sending an email to your teacher about your grades.

Students usually ask for an assignment replacement, a chance to get one more grade, or take a grade out of a particular assignment. If you’re concerned about a grade, feel free to ask for clarification, either via email or in person. Keep a respectful tone, avoid blame-shifting, and show that you’re willing to do what it takes to improve.

8. How to email a teacher for a letter of recommendation?


Whether you’re applying for a graduate program, an internship, or a job, you may need to ask your educator for a letter of recommendation at some point. It’s highly suggested to do this in person, but emailing a professor that knows you well is also a good starting point. Along with your resume and cover letter, a letter of recommendation will set you apart from other candidates and thus increase your chances of getting accepted. 

Knowing how to write an email to a teacher is essential, whether you’re asking for grade improvement or a letter of recommendation. Being patient with a reply after you’ve sent it is important, as your educator is busy and will need to take their time writing a quality letter for you. Aim to send a letter of recommendation request at least a month before you’ll actually need it.

9. How to write an email to an old teacher?

(The Life Virtue)

If your past teacher has impacted your life in a meaningful way, you may want to thank them for everything they’ve done for you. You already know the basics of corresponding with academic staff. While maintaining a respectful tone is still necessary, writing to your old teacher is also an opportunity to express a more personal side of things in a positive manner.

A thank you email to your teacher should be proper, since it allows you to expand on what you’re thanking them for. It doesn’t have to be short and straightforward. You can write about how your tutor has inspired you, directed you, or changed you for the better. You can thank them for being a good role model or helping you discover your hidden talents.

When emailing a former teacher to say thank you, you can incorporate any thoughts of appreciation. Feel free to make it a heartfelt thank you letter. In addition to what we’ve already mentioned, they may have helped you polish a skill or pushed you to be the best you could be. If they understood and encouraged you to face a problem during your education, you can include that as well.

10. How to respond to a teacher email?


Whether you’re communicating with a teacher or a college professor, you should reply once you receive their response. Remember to start with a salutation and end with an appropriate signature, just like you did in your initial email. Use correct spacing to avoid creating a hard-to-read block of text. Replying to the response ensures you’re formally thanking the tutor for taking the time to respond and give you the information you need.

11. When is it not ok to write an email to a teacher?


We’ve covered a list of good reasons to send an email to your teacher. You’ve learned that you shouldn’t burden an educator with personal problems and excuses. You can send an email about a specific question anytime, but teachers generally respond in the early morning or after students leave school.

As long as you aren’t rude and know the proper way to email a teacher, you can ask about almost anything you need help with. However, discussing other students and making excuses for not doing a test are highly inappropriate. This also applies to asking for deadline extensions or extra credits when you haven’t been doing your schoolwork.


Knowing how to write an email to a teacher is a skill you’ll need throughout your education, so it’s best to learn early on. Most emails sent to educators are centered around specific questions. However, some email types may give you more leeway to interact with academic staff more informally. Thanking an old teacher or professor is an opportunity to express your gratitude for their positive influence on you during your studies. Being less formal with your current teacher is acceptable if they give you the green light to do so.